Inland + Khao Luk Chang

13th March 2017
Various Inland Sites
We were still based near the coast near to Pak Thale, but after birding the coast in the morning we headed inland to visit several sites including various freshwater lakes and farmland.

An amazing sight as we came across this lake that contained large numbers of Great White Egrets and Painted Storks.

As we were watching the Egrets and Storks a flock of Spot-billed Pelican soared overhead.

Painted Stork - Plenty in flight and on the lakes.

Black-headed Ibis - We were fortunate to see 62 of this endangered species on one shallow lake. 
Asian Openbill - Only seen on two days but in good numbers.

Chinese Pond Heron -  Not uncommon
Cattle Egret - Another common species.

Bronze-winged Jacana - Small numbers seen over four days.
Baya Weaver - One of several nests in a colony.

Stork-billed Kingfisher - A bit of searching along the side of a road eventually produced this monster Kingfisher!

Plain-backed Sparrows - The male showing his plain back off rather nicely.

Eastern Imperial Eagle - Our only sighting of this species.

14th March 2017 
Khao Luk Chang
We stopped off at Khao Luk Chang on-route between Pak Thale and Kaeng Krachan.  Two or so hours in the forest produced quite a few new species.

Spotted Owlet  -  Just a couple of sightings of this small owl during the trip.

Asian Barred Owlet - This individual refused to show as well as the Spotted Owlet.

Hair-crested Drongo  - Not uncommon.

Asian Drongo Cuckoo  - The best view of three during our trip.

Taiga Flycatcher  - Seen in several locations. 

Black-headed Woodpecker  -  This proved to be a difficult bird to track down but it's call eventually ld us to the bird.  Unfortunately the view was partly obscured, as you can see!

Indian Thicknee  -  Present in a cleared area in the forest. 
White-handed Gibbon - Fairly common at this site.

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